Today is Levi's 10th birthday. I can hardly believe I have been married 11 years, let alone that I have a child old enough to be in his double digits. My life is just cruising by and I am trying to occasionally come up for air.
It is so fun to have had a boy first, it certainly adds spunk to our lives. There isn't a quiet moment at our house and I really do attribute that to having a wild boy first! His mind is always going and he always has big ideas and plans (for instance, he has been working on a book of "inventions" that he plans to edit and send to Bill Gates. He already has his speech planned and what he'll wear when he meets him). He is a dreamer and I love it. Levi has a great sense of humor, he is an awesome big brother, and he keeps us on our toes (always). The younger kids all LOVE it when Levi is home b/c he is always up for a wrestle or to read them a story. He's growing up too fast! When he is 10, does that mean he is a "tween"? I hate that word, so hopefully not!! :)
Here is a glimpse of Levi before he was all grown up!! :)