This is Spencer's immediate family (minus Benson). His mom and dad are in the middle, and the TWELVE siblings (okay, 11 since Benson wasn't there...I get the feeling I am repeating myself here.) Is anyone else overwhelmed by the idea of 12 children? They are all some of the most opinionated, strong-willed, stubborn people i know so I am sure it wasn't an easy task raising them either! But, they are also some of the most honest, hardworking, generous, and intelligent people I know, so they obviously did a great job raising such a large family. I hope I can figure it out half as well with my FOUR children! Yikes.

Okay, there were better pictures of the whole group, but I didn't want to surf through my stock of like 589 pictures to find one of everyone smiling. This is a group picture of most all of the family. There was one family missing (Benson and his family), and a couple of my nephews who are serving LDS missions.

Emma got stung by a bee, about an hour after arriving. She was not happy about it either, that is until someone mentioned the bee must have thought she was a flower b/c of her yellow dress. This changed things in a terribly good way.

Many fun (and some not so fun, depending on who you ask) hikes. Pictured here, Gemma, Isabel, Aunt Kif, Daniel, Savana, Kiara, happy Caden, and Emma.

Lots and lots of pool. Turns out, I am not half bad at pool. Too bad I didn't know about this earlier in life, it might have altered my future in many interesting ways.

Slingshot (compound bow, bow and arrow, hand gun, though not pictured to avoid overwhelming my small group of viewers :)) fun.

Levi's birthday was celebrated while on reunion. He is now 11 years old! How did this happen?

Pull up contest. Uncle Nathan won with a whopping 19 pull-ups. I lost with a whopping 1/2 (can't get myself all the way up, despite all my best efforts!).

Pebble Beach California. Kiara and cousin Isabel freezing their patooties off in the ocean. It was an uncomfortable 56 degrees on the beach, not sure the temp of that water, but you couldn't have paid me money to swim in it. The girls were in the water the whole day! Crazy kids!

Family reunion was a total blast for my kiddos. I am so grateful to have married into such a big, fun family. My kids look forward to family reunion more than just about any vacation we've been on. We are so blessed!