Sunday, March 1, 2009

Boy Crazy?

While Levi appears to abhor all women of any age, size or adorability (excluding his mother, of course), Emma will be giving us a run for our money.

Due to a number of factors, I decided to switch Emma from morning preschool to afternoon preschool. The transition has gone virtually flawlessly, except for one small glitch...Emma has fallen for a boy in her class. She seems to have fallen pretty hard too. First day, she starts naming her dolls after him (much to the poor boy's chagrin), then the next day of preschool when I come to pick her up, both teachers are nearly in tears telling me the story of Emma's persuit tactic of the day. She changed from her preschool clothes into a revealing little princess dress (that is a gripe for another entry...why in the world do they make clothing for toddlers so skanky?) and kept putting her cheek to her shoulder (see picture) and batting her eyes. When the teacher asked Emma what she was doing, she replied that she was "calling for her Prince". They asked who her prince was, and she said "Sam". Emma explained to them, quite frankly, that if you want to get a boy to be your prince, you needed to "call them. Like this." (again, see picture). Later that day, I asked her what Sam thought of her provocative come on and she said very matter-of-factly and with zero remorse: "He just threw a stick at me." AHHHHH!! Not only boy crazy, but NOT READING REJECTION CUES. Does it get any worse than this?

At church today, the same boy (Sam) has an older brother (also a very cute boy) who picks up our fast offerings, and passes the sacrament. She would not stop bouncily waving to him and I was practically threatening her with her life to be reverent, when by some stroke of bad luck he ended up passing it to our row (with Emma sitting at the very end...more bad luck) and handing Emma the tray. She literally looked star struck. She blindly grabbed the bread as she could not take her eyes off him and her grin was nearly bursting her face. I tried to ignore her bubbly bouncing in the seat, and passed the tray down, but after the poor guy (who handled the whole thing remarkably well) moved to the next row, she puts both her hands together and squints her eyes while smiling (again, rather wildly) and says: "This is the best day EVER! Dallin gave ME the sacrament."

Did my child turn 13 overnight or something? Have we watched too many Princess movies? I am in awe of her sudden fascination and pray it is a short phase that she will soon grow out of. Please little girl, start star gazing over soccer balls and Nancy Drew books...and by all means, NO MORE PRINCESS MOVIES!


Samurai Mom said...

LOL! It's good to get them betrothed at an early age like Boba Fett and Briona.

I always loved boys,I know how it is. I am so sorry for you.

Kimberly said...

Oh Chelsea...don't act like you didn't do the EXACT same thing. Remember...I lived with you at DT. I saw you and your shinanigans with "W Hall". Ha ha ha ha!!

Jenny said...

Hahaha! Those boys ARE cute! I have three boy crazy girls of my own! It's crazy!

Thelin Family said...

You gotta love that girl. I love reading about your family. isn't it pathetic that i am up after the Bachelor and now on the computer. I need to get to bed or I will never meet you at the gym :) Good read, it made me smile!

Sechrist Family said...

Love it! I live in a house of all boys and ALL potty humor! I was one of those boy crazy girls, I suppose that is why I have 3 boys! She is adorable!

Ashley said...

Oh are in trouble. But didn't you learn anything from that Movie (Sam really likes her by throwing sticks at her.) I may need to borrow some moves for Justin.

Melissa Rozeski said...

I am laughing so hard. That picture tells the story perfectly! I can't believe I have never met her. That girl seems like nothing but entertainment for me:) Hey I would love that food storage plan. I am a mess !!!! My nursing days are almost over. Are you up for a fall girls trip?

The Thelins said...

So glad I found your blog (or you found mine). It's so fun to get these little stories and ancedotes. It's okay that she's in denial about Sam throwing sticks- everyone knows that's how boys act when they like you!

Thompson Family said...

That is a riot, what a funny girl! Kyle is quite advanced for his age too and talks about boys and girls kissing at kindergarten!!! I am never sure whether to believe or what!!

jrushing said...

Too funny! She is such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Oh Chels...this is the BEST POST EVER! You sweet mama! You definitely have a "true romantic princess" on your hands. It's a good thing you live so far away...Brons would declare his affections for her and would announce the exact temple location to seal the deal. He is a bit "girl crazy too". Each year it's a different girl. He hasn't confessed his love for a girl this year so far. Keep you posted. Miss you!