We found the BEST new park. Every time I go, I stay for hours upon hours. It is just too perfect for all my kids.
Kristin and I have been training for a triathlon, and I recently had my first clipped in bike ride (with several near death experiences via semi-truck, white jeep, and a humiliating four way stop in which I couldn't get myself started for an unacceptably long time getting some amused smiles and chuckles from waiting cars). More details on triathlon to come (maybe with pictures of my plague of misquito bites. Park ranger said the misquitos were at "biblical levels", and not to brag, but I must have awesome blood...26 bites and still counting!).
Could it be summer without popsycles? And endless popsycle sticks in my yard and driveway? I mean ENDLESS.
My husband is a good man. I wouldn't have stepped in this pond to save a drowning child, nevermind just for kicks.
Oh how I love 2 year olds. LOVE LOVE them.
One of the best days at the beach ever. The weather was perfect, the kids had so much fun we had to drag them away and we had been there all day. One of those "I love the Oregon Coast" days that we will for a long time treasure! :)