Sunday, July 25, 2010

Oregon Summer?

The delay in summer weather really took its toll on my spirits for a while, but we have finally been blessed with some sunshine. It is sporadic at best, and not what most of the country would call "hot" but we are outside every possible minute of every day. Gotta soak it in where we can!

We found the BEST new park. Every time I go, I stay for hours upon hours. It is just too perfect for all my kids.
Kristin and I have been training for a triathlon, and I recently had my first clipped in bike ride (with several near death experiences via semi-truck, white jeep, and a humiliating four way stop in which I couldn't get myself started for an unacceptably long time getting some amused smiles and chuckles from waiting cars). More details on triathlon to come (maybe with pictures of my plague of misquito bites. Park ranger said the misquitos were at "biblical levels", and not to brag, but I must have awesome blood...26 bites and still counting!).
Could it be summer without popsycles? And endless popsycle sticks in my yard and driveway? I mean ENDLESS.
My husband is a good man. I wouldn't have stepped in this pond to save a drowning child, nevermind just for kicks.
Oh how I love 2 year olds. LOVE LOVE them.

One of the best days at the beach ever. The weather was perfect, the kids had so much fun we had to drag them away and we had been there all day. One of those "I love the Oregon Coast" days that we will for a long time treasure! :)

Kristin and I at "Circle Park" another favorite afternoon pass time. And farewell to my good friend and neighbor Nancy who saved me on many a "I just need an egg" occasions and will be sorely missed.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Swim Lessons, Dance Recitals, and Summer Fun (Catch up)

Every year we travel really far daily for two weeks straight so we can swim with our beloved teacher curtis.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Red, White, and Blue

Fourth of July might be up there as one of my fave holidays. It turned out to be a beautiful day here in Oregon (yes, this is noteworthy, all things considered). Good food, friends, weather, family, fireworks, contests, and races. Practically a perfect weekend! The girls were also featured in Washington's newspaper (The Columbian). A hair mom's proudest day. Click here to see their big debut. :)

4th of July sparklers. Pretzels with white chocolate and sprinkles.

Levi signed up for the pie eating contest. I said sure (it was free!), but said to him, "Just know, there is no pride in winning a pie eating contest." Well, I ate my words. He won. I was proud and so was he. He got a huge trophy with a PIG on it. He was also in the Lewis River news (they haven't posted their link yet, I will add it when they do). With all the family we had there, we had a group chanting "LEVI!" and it might be one of the highlights of his whole 10 year old life.
Is this really my child??? Really??
He gagged at least five times, and no one else's face was covered in whip cream. He took this challenge very seriously!!

Ashley and Kiara
They were actually having a blast, but since i asked them to smile for the picture, the sun was suddenly extremely painful for them, and they all look grouchy here. Ella far left, Ashley, Kiara and Emma.
My dad's office is in the heart of the Ridgefield parade, so every year we get there like 5 hours early and sell soda (by we, I mean Levi). He made over 30 dollars this year. An all time record!

Aunt Jaymie painted everyone's face, and I painted everyone's nails. They were festive to the absolute max possible!!

Spencer REALLY loves parades, can't you tell? At least Caden was enjoying himself. :)

In Ridgefield, they have a kids parade before the actual parade where all the kids march down the street and wave to everyone. Caden and Emma were in heaven. They did get some extra big cheers and waves since they were so obviously enjoying being center of attention.

Kiara and Levi ran their first real (non kids run) race. They did a great job on their 5K finishing super strong.

Trent and I ran the 10K, and finished strong too. I got a personal best on my time, which was exciting for me (though not a brag worthy time, per se, it was still exciting for me!). Trent was kind enough to stay back with me through the whole run. It was great to run with him!

It was a wonderful weekend and I am so grateful for all the people who have sacrificed so much so that I can raise my family in this beautiful country. Happy 4th of July!